It’s no secret major platforms and leadership are attempting mass censorship in various forms. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google and even Youtube, to name a few.
They don’t want good messages to get out. They don’t want us to have a voice. We are too powerful, and we make too much sense.
You may be worried how to keep in contact with me and this mission. It will be possible despite their efforts, as long as you are proactive and act on this.
Let’s roll with the punches together. Here’s how:
*At this time* the BEST way to keep in touch is through joining at
You do *not* have to donate anything, you can just “Follow” on patreon and see any public posts. At this time, it is the least censorship happy service, no algorithms or blocks to fight, and seems to get messages out to you fairly.
If you choose to be an official patron member by donating, you do get extra benefits, content, special access & rewards, and I have your contact email so I’m able to reach you directly if need be in an emergency *
Of course, if you want to join us officially you also support the mission of sharing the positive reality of guns and freedom – with your pledge and help us decentralize the power of the platforms creating this unjust censorship!
The next best way to keep in contact
is through the email list. This is second best *at this time* because Google often harms reach on emails as well through the use of gmail. However, it is still a decent option if you aren’t comfortable with Patreon – or want to sign up for *both* patreon and the email list. Two options:
- Full Email List Access – If you’d like more frequent updates on content, issues, perks, etc sign up on THIS LIST (click link). You will also be contacted in an emergency case.
- *Emergency Only* Email List – if you’d rather I only reach you in the case of channel shut down or other major blocks of communication, please sign up HERE (click link) and I will only contact you in an emergency scenario like this. You will not receive general updates if you sign up on this list
We still have a voice, we still have a foundation, we still have hope. Don’t let them make you despair – they shiver at the thought of US. WE THE PEOPLE
Stay Sharp, Kirsten
* I will never give this contact info out to outside third parties. This is only for communication between us.
It’s a hard time for the people to try to defend the Second Amendment.
I appreciate your personal effort.
Kirsten, thanks for sticking up for the 2nd amendment. You are one bad ass lady. Keep up the good work and let me know if there is anything that I can do to help you.
Terry Chesser
NRA Life Member & Endowment contributor
Love what you do, girl. Wish I could donate, but I’m barely making it through the day.
Keep the faith, we can’t let history repeat itself.
Caríssima senhorita Kirsten Joy Weiss, há algum tempo sou fã de seu canal e admiro muito seu trabalho! Tanto que, como já disse anteriormente, serviu para criar em minha filha de 8 anos, Sofia, o interesse pela prática do tiro esportivo! Decidi escrever em português por ter um inglês péssimo, o que poderia dificultar a idéia que pretendo expressar nesse texto! Sou brasileiro, ou seja, pertenço a um dos países que tem um dos mais rigorosos controles sobre a produção, comércio e posse de armas de fogo do mundo! Nem por isso meu país deixa de ser um dos países mais violentos do mundo! Isso ocorre porque vivo em um país que vem sendo destruído por ideologias marxistas e de esquerda há mais de 30 anos! Essas ideologias criaram um ambiente desfavorável aqueles que defendem seus direitos naturais às liberdades individuais e até mesmo à legítima defesa! Censura em meu país não é uma novidade, principalmente quando falamos no direito do cidadão comum ao acesso às armas de fogo, seja para o esporte do tiro, seja parã a defesa de nossas famílias! Portanto, peço -lhe encarecidamente que não desista de lutar pelo seu país, pela sua liberdade muito menos de nos oferecer um conteúdo tão agradável e divertido quanto a senhorita oferece em seu canal! Lembre a seus conterrâneos, sempre, que o seu direito de acesso às armas de fogo são garantidas pela segunda emenda. Também lembre-os que sua nação foi fundada sobre o sangue de valorosos guerreiros, estes que fizeram a segunda emenda como uma garantia de que os filhos dessa nação não fossem escravizados e subjugados pela tirania de nenhum déspota! Não deixe que ocorra no seu país o que ocorreu no meu! Pois hoje, no Brasil, somos escravos da tirania de políticos e governos corruptos que legislam em interesse próprio e não temos nem a chance de lutar! Força senhorita Kirsten! Minha esposa, minha filha e eu apoiamos você!
Some of this is really getting out of hand.. restricting law abiding citizens of the 2nd amendment. And now just viewing some popular channels dedicated in education in my book really..well except for FPSRussia lol! When you have a drone firing a weapon, that’s a little terrorizing yikes. Anyways have a great day Kirsten
You’re a good woman, Kirsten. Keep the faith!
Exactly what I was thinking we need a way to communicate when the media shuts us down and right now email probably the best option.
Hi, it’s 5:30am and I just saw your post on YouTube. Left a comment there. We have talked thru email but I’ll add my information here just in case and to show support. The sun is rising, can you see us in Canada standing up with you and waving Hi in the light?
Keep up the good fight Kirsten, we are behind you.
Thanks again for your wisdom. gun laws are messed up in Canada also.
Your channel could make a greater impact by organizing a boycott. I’m sure YouTube/Google would reconsider if a large customer base disappeared for a period of time. Maybe we could agree to only use YouTube for gun related content for a period of time?
Hello Kirsten,
I have followed you for years and do enjoy every thing you do.
Listen I don’t know if any one has said this to you recently but today is good friday and a very important day for all of us. I want you to know I’m very very proud of you !
You tube can not stop you
Keep on! Youtube will find their own demise.
Glad your strong Kirsten. Obody should be able to silence social media in this country. Your the best example of good people with a gun channel. Stand proud and fight.
You know its a shame our rights are being attacked daily. I tip my hat to you for standing up for those rights. Keep smiling because it’s a beautiful smile you have and god bless keep up the fight!
Keep up the work! You are wonderful. Me and my daughter love watching your videos. Much love!
Keep being you, pro gun.
What can I do to help!
This cencorship stuff sucks!! Threats against both First and Second Ammendment Rights!!!
Maybe those kids should face a national draft,and mandatory National Service for a minimum of 2 years for all 18 yr.old Americans!!!! Lets see how they feel without their cell phones and mandatory service without facebook or twitter!!!
Love your channel watch ur videos multiple times I’ve seen almost all of them
I am 15 years old and i hunt a lot i love your videos and i thibk you are a motivasion iam a professional sharpshooter and i love watching you in general with all of your guns and why should they dothis you have no violence in any of your videos
I am 15 years old and i hunt a lot i love your videos and i thibk you are a motivasion iam a professional sharpshooter and i love watching you in general with all of your guns
gun don’t kill people and people kill people they don’t pull tricker gun cant not shoot
Hey Kirsten,
I would like to say one thing, I am one of your subscriber on YouTube and website as well. You’re awesome. You’re the best shooter ever I have seen ever. I enjoy seeing your videos. You’re too beautiful .!
Prayers, I don’t want to lose your page please stay in contact with me..sister..
I think this signals the end of YouTube as a site of it’s type.
I am proud to be a fellow Artilarian.
If “they” were really concerned about public safety they would spend more on making the roads safer, and pour more money into crash avoidance systems that make up for human error. or something like work place safety or public education to identify psychological issues earlier, but gun control or censorship can never be the right tool
I do hope to start posting some YouTube videos but probably not much related to guns. However in light of these new stupid policies, I decided to subscribe to several gun related channels and plan to watch and like all of the new videos they put out. And of course your channel was at the top of my list