Lets face it, guns are fascinating. More and more people of all races, genders, political parties -- you name it -- are waking up to the fact that things which "go boom" also make the heart flutter with the same enthusiasm. And while not specific or exclusive to any one category or gender -- women …
Live Fire Love – Kirsten’s Blog
Dry Firing Technique – How To Shoot A Gun Awesomely Episode 2
You may or may not have heard of Dry Fire training. You might even incorporate it into your daily routine, but are you focusing on the right things? In this video I'll cover the essentials of this crucial training technique - What it is, why you should do it, and what to focus on when you dry …
How To Shoot Awesomely, Trigger Finger Technique
You don't want to just shoot a gun, you want to shoot it awesomely!! So start learning some proper techniques, like finger placement on the trigger for a clean trigger release leading to more accuracy! Enjoy these shooting tips! Remember to "like" and share with your friends! …