What's better (or more American) than Guns or Baseball? Combining the two of course! Confession: I wasn't sure what to get my Dad for Father's Day. You Dad's out there are hard to buy for sometimes. And who wants the same old tie, golf …
Live Fire Love – Kirsten’s Blog
Gollum And Gun Safety, The One Rule To Rule Them All!
Though an important topic, sometimes gun safety can be a either a dull subject or a fear inducing subject. Let's switch it up. While I'm not diminishing the other rules at all, I think its best to keep things simple, especially when someone's first learning or encountering firearms. We …
Sticking To My Guns: Why I Said No To America’s Got Talent
It’s not every day you get an offer to be on one of America’s most popular TV shows, seen by 10 to 16 million viewers each week. It’s also not every day you turn them down. But that’s what I had to do. Let me fill you in. But first, a disclaimer . . . I don’t do what I do in the pursuit of …