Just an American Girl, with a Global Mindset, Protecting & Sharing True Freedom. I'm sharing this next episode with you, on "How To Protect Your Freedoms From Anti-Freedom Loopholes" This is for you, my friend. I poured my heart into this, researched for weeks into …
pro shooter
Can You Shoot Blindfolded? Shooting Is More Than Meets The Eye
Is it possible to shoot blindfolded and still hit your target? The mind's eye is a powerful thing. We often hear the term "visualization" in relation to sports. The experts say to visualize our success, to visualize a good performance, and then you'll be able to achieve the success in real …
How To Shoot Awesomely, Trigger Finger Technique
You don't want to just shoot a gun, you want to shoot it awesomely!! So start learning some proper techniques, like finger placement on the trigger for a clean trigger release leading to more accuracy! Enjoy these shooting tips! Remember to "like" and share with your friends! …